
What is the future of artificial intelligence in 2020?

artificial intelligence (AI) advancing rapidly. While science fiction often portrays artificial intelligence as robots with human-like features, AI can encompass everything from Google’s search algorithms to IBM Watson and autonomous weapons.

Today, artificial intelligence is known as narrow AI (or weak AI) as it is designed to perform a narrow task (for example, face recognition only or just internet searches or just driving). However, the long-term goal of many researchers is to create general AI (AGI, or strong AI). While limited AI can outperform humans regardless of their specific task, such as playing chess or solving equations, AGI outperforms humans on almost any cognitive task.

Technology has always shaped our lives in subtle but fundamental ways, and this process seems to be accelerating exponentially.

  • It was around 60 years ago when integrated circuits were developed, which brought the possibility of faster and smaller computers.
  • Wireless internet started being available only 20 years ago, which forever changed the way we collect information and communicate with others.
  • The widespread availability of touchscreen devices with the launch of the first iPhone has made it easier for us to enter an era where faster machine response times and the mindset of everything at our fingertips are literally at our fingertips.
  • When CRISPR was developed, it was only 5 years ago that created a way to treat congenital and genetic diseases that were previously labeled as incurable.
  • Just 2 years ago, artificial intelligence became a breakthrough, entering us into an untouched area of ​​the limitations and possibilities of robots’ functions and capabilities.
  • Just a year ago, electronic skin with human-like sensing capabilities was introduced, crossing boundaries, and robotic hands were given the ability to perform actions on fragile objects and even feel heat and friction.
  • This year alone, recycling was revolutionized again with the development of catalytic polymer digestion, the reduction of fossil fuels needed and the carbon dioxide released in the process of creating “new” plastic.
  • In just one year, NASA is about to send the fifth rover to Mars in search of traces of extraterrestrial life, and possibly change the way we understand the fundamental elements needed for life to exist.

What will the future see?

To understand what the future of Artificial Intelligence is, we need to know the current developments and status of artificial intelligence as of today!

The human brain is complex and different people think differently. There is –

  • Students – we are not born with the ability to choose. We learn through experience – what we need to eat, wear, how we react in different situations. To be able to evolve and think in this way, a machine must be able to learn, develop and improve just like humans.
  • Logicians – It is reasoning and logic that make every person different and the human brain complex. Sometimes logic is simple and follows a traditional approach, but generalizations don’t work for some things. Reasoning can be based on experiences, facts, and rules. Machines need to know all of them to be able to reason well.
  • Visionaries – visionaries who combine the power of learning and reasoning can give a machine the power to think and perceive, make decisions and predict.
  • Linguists – for a machine to interact with humans, it must be able to speak just like humans. Speech recognition software converts voices to text. Significant progress in speech recognition was a huge step towards AI’s triumph.

Advantages of Artificial Intelligence

1. ‘Mistake’ is human, so why not use artificial intelligence?

The machine makes decisions based on previous data records. The probability of error is reduced thanks to algorithms. This is a feat, as solving complex problems requires difficult calculations that can be done without errors. Business organizations use digital assistants to interact with their users, which helps them save plenty of time. The demand for the user’s jobs is met and therefore they don’t have to wait. It is programmed to give the best possible assistance to a user.

2.AI does not get tired and wear out easily

Artificial Intelligence and robotics are used in mining and other fuel exploration processes. These sophisticated machines help to explore the ocean floor and overcome human limitations. Thanks to the programming of robots, they can perform a more demanding task with extra hard work and greater responsibility. Moreover, they do not wear out easily.

3.Digital assistance helps with daily work

Siri listens to us and does the task with one touch. GPS helps you travel the world. How can I forget the basic requirement? Food, clothing, shelter and a smartphone. They are the ones who foresee what to write, in short, they know us better than anyone else. Best of all is the auto-correction feature, it understands what you are trying to say and presents the sentence in the best possible way. Have you observed that you tag people while posting an image on social media, but the machine automatically detects the person’s face and tags them? The same is true when working on Google Photos. A folder is created automatically with the help of people’s faces. Artificial Intelligence is widely used by financial institutions and banking institutions as it helps organize and manage data. Also, fraud detection uses artificial intelligence in a smart card-based system.

4. The rational decision maker

First of all, logic! Highly sophisticated organizations have digital assistants that help them interact with users and reduce the need for human resources.

Correct program decisions can be made if it is studied rationally. However, emotions arise in humans. When there are artificial thinkers, there is nothing distracting. They don’t have an emotional side, and this makes robots think logically. Emotions are not associated with them, and therefore mood does not interfere with productivity. So they are always productive.

5. Repetitive work

The same old task, a task that doesn’t add value is useless. Also, repetitive tasks are monotonous in nature and can be accomplished with the help of machine intelligence. Machines think faster than humans and can perform various functions at the same time. It can be used to perform hazardous tasks and its parameters are set. In humans, this is not possible because their speed and time cannot be calculated on the basis of parameters.

6. Medical applications

This is the best thing AI does to humans. It is said that none of the time and tide awaits, but there is a wide-ranging application with medical applications of artificial intelligence. Doctors evaluate patients and health risks with the help of artificial machine intelligence. The apps help train the machine on the side effects of various drugs. Today, medical professionals are trained with artificial surgery simulators. It uses an application that helps detect and monitor neurological disorders and stimulates brain function. This also helps in radiosurgery. Radiosurgery is used in the surgery of tumors and helps the operation without damaging the surrounding tissues.

7. Tireless, selfless and without a break

A machine doesn’t need breaks like humans do. They are programmed for long hours and can perform consistently without being bored or distracted. Even if the machine has to work for hours in a row, it won’t get tired. This is a huge advantage over people who need occasional rest to be productive. However, the efficiency of the machines is not affected by any external factors and they do not work continuously.

8. Make the right decision

The complete absence of emotions in a machine makes it more efficient as they can make the right decisions in a short time. The best example of this is its use in health services. The integration of artificial intelligence tools into the healthcare industry has increased the efficiency of treatments by minimizing the risk of misdiagnosis.

9.Applying AI in risky situations

Human safety is provided by machines. Security is vulnerable and this can be used on machines equipped with predefined algorithms. Scientists use sophisticated machines to study the ocean floor, where human survival has become difficult. This is the AI ​​level. It reaches where people cannot reach. Thus, it helps to solve problems at once.

The AI ​​system, which can be compared to human intelligence, must have all 4 aspects combined.

As humans, we learn faster, process things faster with less data, but machines need large amounts of data to extract something useful. However, this may change in the future.

Let’s look at each subfield of Artificial Intelligence, their current state, and what can be expected from each in the future.

Check this for more information The Future of Artificial Intelligence